Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Voting for Hillary

The 2016 election.  My, what a mess.

To get things out of the way, I support Hillary Clinton. I didn't always like her (the cookie-baking remark rubbed me the wrong way at the time), but I do now. I know I've said things that have rubbed people the wrong way, so it's rather uncharitable of me to hold that particular grudge.

I don't expect any blog posts to change the mind of anyone who is dead-set against a specific candidate. I know my mind isn't going to change. At this point, Mrs. Clinton could be the one to shoot someone in Times Square and my vote wouldn't change.

Am I voting for Mrs. Clinton because she's a woman and so am I?  No.
Am I voting for Mrs. Clinton because I'm a die-hard Democrat? No.
Am I voting for Mrs. Clinton because I think she's perfect? No.

I will be voting for Mrs. Clinton because she has the experience necessary for the job she's set out to do. She is also unflappable. She is not going to be flustered by any international incident, short of an incident that would make General Patton flap.

On reason I'm resuscitating this poor old blog is for collecting information concerning Mrs. Clinton. I don't want to bug my Facebook friends with daily updates -- they probably see enough of those in their own "news" feeds -- yet I want an outlet for sharing the information. 

I have other blogs, but I don't want to use them for continual political purposes. Repatria's purpose was as an outlet for the shift from living in Europe to being back in the U.S. That was seventeen years ago. I still haven't completely adjusted, especially to the Republican slide to the right that happened while I lived in Europe. I voted Republican (usually defense issues) then but since returning to the U.S. I find that the party left me behind. I'm still not what many people would consider a Democrat, but the political group that now calls itself "Republican" isn't one I can support.

In the Gore/Bush campaign, I couldn't quite bring myself to vote for a Democrat so I voted third-party. We all know how that turned out. I'm not going to make that mistake again, and I don't think I have any reason to.  So, yes, "I'm with her."


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